Sunday 9 December 2012

International Anti- Corruption Day~ 09.12.12

~Today, 9 December, is the
International Anti-
Corruption Day~

Corruption is an issue that
affects all countries
around the world. It can
refer to the destruction of
one’s honesty or loyalty
through undermining
moral integrity or acting in
a way that shows a lack
of integrity or honesty. It
also refers to those who use
a position of power or
trust for dishonest gain.
Corruption undermines
democracy, creates
unstable governments,
and sets countries back
economically. Corruption
comes in various forms
such as bribery, law-
breaking without dealing
with the consequences in
a fair manner, unfairly
amending election
processes and results, and
covering mistakes or
silencing whistleblowers...

So plz say big NO to
corruption be it in any
And share the message.

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